Thursday, February 25, 2010


Oh my. Well, I totally fell off the updating bandwagon! It was probably right around when my fishless cycle limbo drove me temporarily insane.

I threw out the yucky shrimp and added more plants... then my husband bought me a betta for Valentine's Day. We were at a new fish store, and I fell in love with a pale/white fella who didn't flare back at his overly macho neighbors. I was hoping that was a sign of mellowness versus illness!

After getting him home and into the tank, I started noticing soft pinks in his body and iridescent powder blues in his fins. It took him awhile to adjust to the water flow in the tank, but I made sure to give him a calm corner of plants to hang out in. He loved it there and created several bubble nests!

At first I was calling him Ghost and Spirit. Then I realized how obvious - his name was Valentine! This fit well with his soft coloring. As far as attitude, he became very bold when I removed the tank lid for water changes... it was standard procedure to receive several nibbles from the little guy when my hand stayed still in the water. I set up a ring of airline tubing and he understood that this was where his food would be placed.

This past Sunday, I saw "feeder shrimp" for sale at a fish store close to home, ten for $1.50 - very cheap. I thought perhaps these were Ghost Shrimp, the perfect shrimp to test Valentine's temperament. I brought them home and floated the bag a bit. Valentine was curious, but didn't outright go for the bag. After acclimating the shrimp to tank temperature and water for about half an hour, I distracted Valentine with food while I scooped in the shrimp!

All seemed well... Valentine would occasionally move towards a shrimp, but the shrimp would then quickly dart away. A couple days went by and I realized I had less of these guys than before. I also noticed some coloration differences that didn't fit ghost shrimp. I researched a bit and have ID'd these shrimp as caridinia babaulti - I think specifically Malaya/Malaysia shrimp. They're sometimes called Rainbow shrimp as they're all closely rated but so many different colors.

I decided I wanted to separate Valentine from the shrimp and see if they'd breed. Unfortunately, when I got home yesterday, it appeared as though he'd beat me to it and killed the larger female. I was so upset! So I have him in solitary confinement (1-gallon hex tank) and will get him a 2.5 gallon tank soon. I've also started referring to him as just "V" like that movie V For Vendetta. He may be less agressive, but he's still a predator/carnivore.

The plan today is to try for ten more shrimp! I saw three left last night, but not sure if there are any females...

Today may also be the day I pick up my corydoras catfish! Our favorite fish store supposely got some c. Habrosus on Tuesday... They're a dwarf species, perfect size for my tank!

Here is V, taken his first or second day in the big tank! See how pink? I should have taken a picture from the store to compare...

And my last full tank shot... already outdated because I rearranged things after V got deported.

And lastly, my ill-fated female shrimp. I liked her coloring...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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