Thursday, February 4, 2010

Patiently impatient...

I tested my tank water this morning... deep blue result, 5.0 mg/l ammonia! Now if only nitrites would start moving. I'm worried that my test kit is tainted - I could swear both drops for Nitrite testing were clear, now the 2nd drops are yellow (and yellow is the baseline result for the test). I will give it a few days, and if still no change I will buy a new nitrite kit.

Here's the promised picture of the 3rd set-up:

Third set-up

But I think I have a little ADHD. I've changed it again! I visited Koolau Pets in the Windward Mall - this place is farther away, so I haven't been there since I picked up my black Tahitian Moon Sand nearly a month ago. My plan was to check out their plants, because they had some decent looking stuff last time around. Well, I was scared to see several tanks with fish covered in ich. *sigh* It was very depressing to see a rainbow shark thoroughly coated, the growths stood out against the black body. Needless to say I was a bit spooked to buy any of the Anacharis or Vals they had in the wall tanks, because I think they all ran on the same filtration. Thankfully there was a small tank on the side full of plants. I saw some Anubias Nana, but it wasn't nearly as pretty as the ones I saw at the shop closer to home. Then I spotted a pretty little "bushy" plant with thin spiraling petioles and cute little slender leaves. I could tell the sales girl had no clue what type of plant it was, although she confidently pointed it out as... Anubias Nana. Um, no.

Anyway, I went home with a new plant! Thanks to my iPhone and Google, I narrowed it down to a plant called a Cryptocoryne. Specifically, I believe it to be Cryptocoryne Willisii. This plant can be grown submersed or emersed as seen here... very lovely.

Here is a picture of mine taken in the car, just minutes after purchase!

New plant (crypt x willisii) fresh from the store...

Aaand then I decided to get medievel on this puppy and see if I couldn't spread the love.

Crypt x willisii - massacred!  Let's hope it survives...

I also cut off the roots on the majority of the little plantlets. Unfortunately I have since read that you should never cut the roots of Crypt plants. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for a miracle!

I've decided that the Hornwort is going to be tossed once the tank is cycled. The danged plant sheds at any type of handling! The filter intake is clogged with the needles. I did a cleaning of the tank, picking off rotting leaves from the Moneywort (from when the temp was too high), trimming some stems, and replanting in a better formation. Then I went to town with my net, scooping up as much floating crap as possible. No more Hornwort, ever. If I ever need to cycle a tank again, I'd go with Anacharis.

So I'm happy (for now) with the layout... I'm not going to upload any full tank shots until I get my bogwood in the tank. I'm also holding the bogwood until I can get the Anubias Nana! There is a slim chance I can grab some tomorrow. I am a little concerned about any tannins left in the bogwood, which will discolor my tank water (it's still soaking in a bucket). I think I can just hang a knee-hi stocking full of activated carbon to clear it out later.

AND! I finally got a timer for the lights. Just in time, as I think there may be some algae starting. The Moneywort had some fuzz on their leaves but I'm hoping it was just crud...! Time will tell.

Is there anybody out there? =9 If so, please keep reading!

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