Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's been awhile!

Money has been tight, but I finally made a trip to pick up needed supplies. Water test kit, light bulb, dechlorinator, and a neat set of tongs to help me place plants and move decorations around. I'm trying to find just the right ornament (although I hate calling it that)... I love the ceramic logs/stumps, but they're pretty pricey. I am also debating about simplifying by using terra cotta pots.

I did see some gorgeous Anubias Nana, which I hope to pick up sometime during the week.

Here are a couple pics of the tank.

That's my furry son, Gus. The water in the tank is pretty cloudy - the picture was taken about a day after the sand had been added and the filter turned on.

Here's the tank a couple days ago, much clearer.

I'm still waffling about what type of fish to get other than corydoras. I'm worried that a betta won't be up to the currents in the tank. Today I saw some rummynose tetras, which are really cute! But then I'd need to pick up at least 5 or 6? Not the kind of tank I really want. So perhaps I will create a sorority tank with three female bettas. Unlike males, most females can coexist together in tank provided there's plenty of hiding places. Females will create a hierarchy, which allows them to stay in closer proximity than males. Hm, should that be matriarchy? =9

If you're reading this, keep watching! There's more to come!

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